Are You at War with Yourself? Many are noticing that within their struggle to heal and overcome, they have become an enemy to themselves. The brokenness of our hearts has driven us into living with a lie that being an enemy to yourself is the way to live. Too many are in a war called […]
Healing to the Heart
Where Do I Start in My Heart Healing Journey?
If I was to look back at the early stages of my healing journey and the lives of those I have seen pursue a heart healing path in life, there is something very important that needs to be embraced along the way. It cannot be overlooked. Those who truly learn to experience greater mental, emotional […]
What Makes Healing from Brokenness So Challenging?
As I seek to help people through teaching and one on one work, there is often a statement followed by a question. “This is hard. Why is healing from brokenness so hard?” Today I want to address this question by providing eight perspectives that are important to keep in mind. Video Broadcast: Watch on Rumble: […]
The Gospel: Grieving Pain in Your Life
Have you heard the good news of the Gospel brought in such a way that it helped you learn how to grieve? When you think of the Gospel does grieving ever come to mind? When the Gospel of Good News from a Good Father who loves you arrives into your life, does it eliminate your […]
The Gospel: Healing to Your Broken Heart
When we think of the Gospel, most believers automatically go to thoughts of going to heaven and forgiveness of sins. While these are incredibly important and critical aspects of the Gospel, do you ever hear about the experience of healing your heart as a major expression of the Gospel’s power? Why isn’t healing of the […]
Healing the Pain of a Woman’s Heart
We recieve many letters and questions that specifically address the pain of a woman’s heart and the heart healing journey. In response to these questions, Melissa took some time today to share her journey of heart healing through some painful experiences. In a very honest and heart felt expression, we pray that we can encourage […]
Do You Need to Learn to be More “Present”?
Is the journey you find yourself on calling you to become more present? Are you fully taking in the moment that is in front of you, or do you find your attention and focus are all over the place? Do you need to learn to become more “present” in your life? In this video, I […]
New Online Training Course: The Heart Healing Journey Vol 02
Take the next step into a new level of healing, freedom and transformation for your heart through experiencing The Heart Healing Journey Volume 2. In this series, we begin with more short from videos, but then move into insightful long form content, where I will share insights, stories and application that will help your heart […]
A Dull Heart with a Head Full of Knowledge
A common plague that exists today involves hearts that are dull, but their minds are filled with all kinds of impressive knowledge. They have data or information, but they lack the heart connection of experiencing truth. God designed you to experience truth and experience who He is. In fact, truth is actually a person…the Living […]
Give Your Heart Permission to Heal
Sometimes the most obvious things we need seem hidden, even though they are in plain sight. Most of the solutions for our life are very simple, yet often ignored. One of the greatest practices that is neglected is the need to cultivate and care for the life of the heart. Sin has definitely infected our […]