Grace is not sloppy, nor is it irresponsible or careless. But grace is not afraid of our messiness. In fact, where things get messy, grace has an ability to work powerfully. Today I want to get into understanding this: that while we may struggle with condemnation, fear and shame regarding our sins and struggles, grace […]
Tag: Condemnation
2 Enemies to a BOLD Relationship with God
Grace makes way for a BOLD relationship with God, which speaks of a confident interaction with God. God calls us as His children to come before Him and to practice it confidently, as the grace of Jesus Christ provides us that confidence. This confidence is not based on what we have done, but on what […]
🔴Wed Live: Confusion Over Taking Thoughts Captive, Mindfulness, Judgment and More
Join me in this live Q&A as I address questions that have to do with confusion over the subject of taking thoughts captive, mindfulness, meditation, judging, the bema seat judgment, “heaven’s promise” cognative distortion and narcissism. “My question is the line between letting thoughts float by vs “taking every thought captive to the obedience of […]
Confusion About Obedience and Disobedience
Obedience is an important precept taught in Scripture, but many believers struggle with it being burdensome, confusing and even at times tormenting. In my own experience, obedience and disobedience were distorted and gave fuel for anxiety, guilt and a heavy ladened spiritual life. As I have embraced my own healing journey, I’ve seen first hand […]
What is Grace? Part 11: The Journey from Condemnation to Grace (Romans 7 to 8)
I want to take you on a journey–one that has changed my life in profound ways and has broken so many chains of condemnation that I have carried in my life. This journey involves one from condemnation into grace. Allow me to take you on this journey by teaching you line by line the words […]
What is Grace? Part 10: Grace vs Condemnation
In learning about the beauty of God’s grace, we have to discern the influence of condemnation that seeks to interfere. In working with Christians over the decades, it has been clear to me that what many consider to be God speaking or a direction given by God is actually the voice of condemnation. It’s the […]
Discerning the Armor of Toxic Guilt
It takes discerning to see and understand how guilt has influenced your way of living. For many, it takes learning and relearning. Today I want to break down the armor of toxic guilt. When it comes your way, what kind of influences are coming along with it to keep you in bondage to chronic guilt? […]
The Struggle with Self-Condemnation
Everyone has areas of our past that are not perfect, but for those who struggle with perfectionism and OCD, self-condemnation can be a daily struggle and wrestling match. Condemnation drives us to dwell on the past in such a way that leaves us feeling broken and hopeless. The struggle with self-condemnation often leads to depression, […]
6 Tips to Help You Stop Spinning
One of the questions I get from those who are working through their mental and emotional health is, “How do I stop SPINNING?” What they are describing is continual spiral of thoughts they get lost in, to the point that they feel trapped by the anxiety and even despair the thoughts produce. It can produce […]
What is Conviction?
The Holy Spirit convicted me. I feel conviction on this issue. What is conviction and are we really listening to it? Or are we listening to condemnation? It has become clear to me that a large percentage of believers confuse condemning promptings as God’s correction or conviction. Some have even been trained to believe that […]