Grace is not sloppy, nor is it irresponsible or careless. But grace is not afraid of our messiness. In fact, where things get messy, grace has an ability to work powerfully. Today I want to get into understanding this: that while we may struggle with condemnation, fear and shame regarding our sins and struggles, grace […]
Tag: Shame
🔴Sun Live: My Claustrophobic Panic Attack | Grandiosity | Writing | Body Shame
Join us as Mark and Melissa address numerous questions on all things mental, emotional and relationship health. Our passion is to help believers experience healing and freedom by becoming rooted in the love of the Father and the grace of Jesus Christ and to experience the truth that sets us free! This is a jam-packed […]
Discerning the Armor of Toxic Guilt
It takes discerning to see and understand how guilt has influenced your way of living. For many, it takes learning and relearning. Today I want to break down the armor of toxic guilt. When it comes your way, what kind of influences are coming along with it to keep you in bondage to chronic guilt? […]
The Most Challenging Relationship in the Mental Health Journey
The most challenging relationship in our mental health healing journey is with ourselves. While many of us can talk about our struggle in relating and connecting to God in fruitful ways, while also struggling in relationship to others, the biggest trouble most people have is in how they relate to themselves. Most people do not […]
The Struggle with Self-Condemnation
Everyone has areas of our past that are not perfect, but for those who struggle with perfectionism and OCD, self-condemnation can be a daily struggle and wrestling match. Condemnation drives us to dwell on the past in such a way that leaves us feeling broken and hopeless. The struggle with self-condemnation often leads to depression, […]
8 Ways You Become an Enemy to Yourself
Are You at War with Yourself? Many are noticing that within their struggle to heal and overcome, they have become an enemy to themselves. The brokenness of our hearts has driven us into living with a lie that being an enemy to yourself is the way to live. Too many are in a war called […]
Do You Ruminate About the Past?
Do you struggle with ruminating about the past and have a hard time letting go? Today’s broadcast involves addressing a question that was sent in, asking about how to deal with past events recall that triggers rumination. I will answer the question by walking through healthy perspectives about your past and how to relate to […]
2 Unhealthy Responses to Shame Attacks
When we are under the influence of a shame attack, our emotional response typically ends up going into two unhealthy directions that do not allow us to remain in sobriety. They can keep us stuck in patterns of denial, stubborn and defensiveness or drowning despair and hopelessness. In today’s broadcast, I want to spend some […]
The Biblical Importance of Living SOBER
When we think of the word “sober,” we often equate it solely with describing a person who has substance abuse issues, specifically alcohol. We think of sobriety only from a view of someone who is not drunk or intoxicated. But from a biblical perspective, there is so much more to what living sober means. Sobriety […]
10 Signs of a Shame Attack
When you experience a shame attack, you may feel like you are not good enough or that you are unworthy of being loved. A tremendous weight of embarrassment can fall on your emotional state. These feelings can be overwhelming and can cause you to feel like you are not worthy of love or respect. Today […]