Obsessive Compulsive FASTING

Fasting can be a valuable experience in the Christian life. But I have bumped into a number of believers who have became obsessive compulsive about the practice of fasting. Here are some thoughts and feedback on the issue and how to navigate it in a more healthy way. Video Broadcast: Watch on Rumble: Recommended Resources:  […]

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On Fire for God or Obsessive Compulsive?

For Christians, a passionate relationship with God through Jesus Christ is talked about, taught and emphasized. But what happens when obsessive-compulsive influences get into the mix? In this broadcast, I want to bring out some signs that OCD is infecting someone’s faith, that while they come across as being “on fire for Jesus,” the person […]

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How Religious OCD GROWS

Today I address a question on religious OCD and scrupulosity that shows how an obsessive subject grows and expands. This will be a real life example. I will lay out step by step how an intrusive thought grows into an anxiety filled distortion. You will also receive some practical insight on how to walk into […]

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How Certain Christian Denominations Can Influence Religious OCD & Scrupulosity

Does your Christian church upbringing have an influence on where your religious obsessive-compulsive thoughts go? How much does your denominational affiliation influence scrupulosity in your life? I want to use my pastoral experience and passion for mental health to speak into various denominations I have experienced and how they contribute to where OCD struggles often […]

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The subject Belief or believing is an important aspect of learning and growing in the Christian faith. But when you have OCD, this can get off the rails very easily. One of the common patterns of religious OCD and scrupulosity is the compulsive pattern of “checking” your believing….checking, checking and rechecking, with a distorted sense […]

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