Join me as I delve into the intricate relationship between our thoughts, emotions, and feelings and how to relate to them in fruitful ways. Many admit to a lack of training and equipping when it comes to working through their emotions and feelings. I will show you the tight connection that thoughts and emotions have, […]
Mental Health
Struggles with Mental Health While on Vacation
Taking time off for time away for vacation or holiday to visit with loved ones or to enjoy a special location can be great for mental health. It can refresh the heart and mind, while recalibrating your emotions and perspectives. But for many, vacations can be tough times on their mental health battles. I have […]
🔴SNL: Autism | Compuslively Giving Up Things You Like | Superstitious Faith
Join us in our live Sunday broadcast as we addressed questions on mental, emotional and relationship health, helping believers to experinece healing and freedom in their life. Our passion is to ground believers in the love of the Father and the grace of Jesus Christ. How do you walk a mentally health journey when you […]
Discerning Love Bombing
Are you someone who love bombs? Have you been under the influence of someone else who was love bombing you? What is love bombing and how does it get into our lives? Because of woundedness and a lack of emotional equipping, our definition of what love looks like can become distorted. This can open many […]
Mental Health Needs Practice
One of the top problems that people have when it comes to experiencing greater mental health is that we do not give ourselves room to practice. Mental health is really about emotional health, and emotional health is developed as we learn to practice and develop renewed ways of thinking and relating. But new thought patterns […]
🔴Wed Live: Female with Masculine Tendancies | OT vs NT | Idol Obsession
Join us as Mark and Melissa addressed numerous questions on all things mental, emotional and relationship health. How do you work through church social anxiety, especially when you were raised in a church where you were taught to sweep the mess under the rug? Helping other stuck in a cult? OCD about fasting and doing […]
Empower Your Mental Health by Deciding
In the early days of my mental health journey, I realized that I woke up in the morning with two unhealthy patterns that I would follow. The first one is that I would insessantly check how I was feeling first thing when I awoke. Secondly, I would let how I was feeling dictate my actions […]
Suicidal Thoughts
The very mention of suicide and suicidal thoughts can bring about discomfort and fear for many. It can be an awkward subject to talk about. The subject of suicide can trigger emotional alarm bells, maybe regarding the pain of suicide that took place in the family history or memories involving someone they know. Many do […]
🔴SNL: Healing Perfectionism | Progressive Christianity and Deconstruction | Celebrating Holidays
Join us in our live Sunday broadcast as we addressed questions regarding mental, emotional and relationship health. Mark responds to a question from someone expressing the frustration of trying to heal through perfectionism, but doing it with perfectionism, which is making it so much more challenging and confusing. Mark also took some extended time to […]
🔴SNL: Keys to Our Marriage Journey | Obsessive About Salvation Prayer | Brain Fog
Today we celebrate 18 years of marriage and invite you to celebrate with us, as we talk about our marriage journey and take your questions on mental, emotional and relationship health. Melissa and I talk about things that terrified us in chilldhood that we can (somewhat) laugh about today. Mark also addresses a number of […]