Your emotional development or lack thereof, forms out of your relationship with your parents, which in effect, greatly impacts our mental health. But what about if your parents were emotionally immature? How do you even understand this and learn to heal? In understanding your upbringing, have you come to discover that your parents were emotionally […]
Tag: Heart Healing
5 Types of Dysfunctional Families
As you become aware of how your upbringing impacted your life, it can be helpful to understand some themes of dysfunction you may have grown up with. Today I want to talk about dysfunctional families and five types that I have seen impact the mental and emotional health of people negatively. Video Broadcast: Watch on […]
10 Reasons You Need to Understand Your Relationship with Your Parents
If you want to experience greater mental, emotional and relationship health, it will be important to understand your relationship with your parents. A healthy upbringing contributes to greater mental health. Studies have shown that a strong parent-child relationship leads to a healthy sense of identity and how to relate to your thoughts and emotions. On […]
Do You Ruminate About the Past?
Do you struggle with ruminating about the past and have a hard time letting go? Today’s broadcast involves addressing a question that was sent in, asking about how to deal with past events recall that triggers rumination. I will answer the question by walking through healthy perspectives about your past and how to relate to […]
The Root of Abandonment and “Shame Attacks”
Have you ever had a “shame attack” and did not even know it? Today I want to bring insight into the deepest root issue in our healing journey–abandonment. Most of the roads of our brokenness lead to abandonment. And when shame and abandonment connect, it can trigger a chain reaction with our hearts that can […]
Nurturing the Heart of a Perfectionist
One of the greatest needs that perfectionists have is nurture, the need to find comfort through unconditional loving care. Perfectionists have an inner critic that drowns out the nurturing voice they need. It amplifies criticism, shame and judgment. So we continue to live in with a ball of emotional pressure on a daily basis. Instead […]
Parenting While Working Through Your Own Brokenness
How do you navigate parenting while you are aware of your own need for healing and freedom from broken patterns in your own heart? In today’s broadcast, we want to have a discussion about this and how we process our own healing journey within the context of also being parents. Video Broadcast: Watch on Rumble: […]
5 Forms of Biblical Meditation You Can Practice
As I encourage, equip and empower the mental health of my brothers and sisters, the first thing I emphasize is the power of slowing down. Within the context of slowing down, I have personally learned to appreciate the God given practice of meditation as a habit that can recalibrate my heart and mind into the […]
Sharing Our Personal Struggles – Part 4
How do you deal with the emotional weight and burdens that come your way? What do you do with the pull of emotion energy from family members, people you help and those you serve? What about all the energy from world news and events that pulls on your empathy and overwhelm your emotional capacity? Today, […]
10 Reasons Why We Do Not Slow Down
We can all benefit from a healthy dose of slowing down. We know we need to, but what is preventing so many from living a better paced life of the heart? Today I want to bring out ten reasons why we do not slow down. See if you can discern what may be preventing you […]