The rejection mindset manifests in the workplace like a plague, so it’s important that we develop a healthy lifestyle when it comes to our work. The Rejection Mindset in the Workplace We spend a large portion of our day at work, so it should be a fulfilling experience. But because rejection is such a deep […]
How a Rejection Mindset Distorts Your Sense of Love and Identity
A rejection mindset will seek to interfere with your ability to experience love and walk in the power of your identity. In this video, I explain how important love and identity are in your life, while showing what happens when we feel separated from it. Recommended Resources: Exposing the Rejection Mindset Book Exposing the Rejection […]
8 Forms of Abuse that Fuel a Rejection Mindset
Quite often our most difficult wrestling matches with a rejection mindset can lead a trail back to abusive experiences in our life. Yet many who hear the word “abuse,” limit that definition to only a few intense areas. When in reality, abuse can manifest in many ways that people are not aware of. Abuse can arrive […]
7 Ways A Rejection Mindset Adds Problems to Your Marriage
Marriage is God’s greatest place to initiate growth and transformation in us. It is also a target of attack, to divide and erode the potential that exists in the covenant. A rejection mindset can be one of the biggest areas that keep a marriage from moving forward powerfully. The majority of marriage problems can lead […]
How a Rejection Mindset Twists Communication
The number one place relationships break down is in the health of communication=what we say, how we say it . . . what we hear and how we hear it. With every relationship problem, there is always a communication issue along with it. But when a rejection mindset is in operation, healthy communication don’t stand […]
Excessive Neediness that Destroys Relationships
Everyone is born with an inherent need to be noticed and valued for who they are. We long to be encouraged and nurtured into our fullest potential with encouragement and affirmation. When we are noticed and validated in healthy ways, our hearts are filled and our journey becomes empowered. There is just one problem. Most […]
A Rejection Mindset from Conception
Rejection’s assignment is to cultivate a sense of separation from love and a true understanding of who you are. It’s a nasty enemy that often begin its operations at birth. It can begin at conception, perpetuating rejection-based thoughts surrounding how you were conceived and born. Your parents carry a great deal of authority in how […]
New Training Course: Exposing the Rejection Mindset
Get to the root issue that keeps you from experiencing love, knowing who you are and manifesting powerful relationships. This Exposing the Rejection Mindset Training Course will help you address one the most common mindsets that keeps people in cycles of limitation, keeping them from experiencing the greater potential in life. In this video course, […]
New Book: “Exposing the Rejection Mindset [2nd Edition]”
Available in paperback, audio and digital format. Get your copy today! Break free by exposing the lies of a rejection mindset. Everyone experiences rejection in their life, but few are equipped to overthrow a rejection mindset. Meanwhile, masses of hearts are held back from experiencing the fullness of love in their relationships while being held […]
When You Feel Far from God
One of the top heart aches I witness in the lives of believers is the struggle to feel connected to God. In just about every scenario, I find rejection at work behind the scenes to keep people bound in this frustration. Everybody experiences this difficulty at some point in their life. Those who say they […]