We say this all the time: God loves you, right where you are. Receive Christ. Then we receive Christ, for many, a whole yoke of performance and perfectionism gets thrown onto our backs. We strive and perform and wear ourselves out trying to fix ourselves and make ourselves lovable. We end up walking past His […]
The Power of Faith, Hope and Love for Mental Health
In my journey of navigating through seasons of anxiety and depression, I was brought back to the simple, yet powerful connection that faith, hope and love have in our lives. One day, my eyes were opened to the insight that these three powerful words can bring to your mental health. In the midst of struggles […]
The Power of God’s Love to Transform Your Mental Health
Every single one of us were created and designed to live in the power of God’s love for us, for it is His love that paves the way for our thoughts, emotions and relationships to experience greater health. It is my fundamental conviction that all mental health begins with learning to experience the power of […]
God’s Love Wins: Learning to Mature in Love
As we discover, “What Does Love Look Like?” I pray you have discovered that learning what love is, while untangling what love is NOT, is a journey. This is a lifelong discovery. For the rest of our lives, we will explore the depths, breath and beautiful meaning of God’s love for us. Today is a […]
Love Can Handle What You Are Going Through
When we look on our journey, the people who loved us the most are the ones that added the most to our life. Those who showed that even through our hard times, in our struggles and in our brokenness, they hung in there with us. It can be life changing when someone simply lives out […]
Love Gets Happy About the Truth
As you grow in love, you will need to learn the relationship that truth and love have together. Because God designed them to be a powerful force in your life. But I also know that these two apart from each other can cause a lot of damage and unleash a lot of deception. If you […]
Help Me See Through the Eyes of Love
The journey that every believer needs to experience is learning to see people the way God sees them. We need to see through the eyes of God. Our cry needs to be, “God, help me to see others the way you see them.” To experience this more, we have to be able to see through […]
Allowing God to Love You When You Are Afraid
Do you find that when you learn to receive God’s love and connect to how much He loves you, fear rises up? Do you find yourself realizing that the need to learn to actually let God’s love be received into your heart and mind? Today I want to address a question that was sent in […]
Love Heals Irritability
Are you irritable? Are you constantly struggling with chronic irritability? I pray today’s insight will be a blessing to your healing and freedom journey, as my goal will be to help you get to the heart of irritability and give you new perspectives on what you may be struggling with. Today’s insights are inspired by […]
Love is Not So Easily Triggered
If you want to grow in the life of love, you can see where love needs to have a greater work by identifying what triggers you or pushes your emotional buttons. We have these sensitive spots in our emotions can become very easily provoked. As we look at what provokes you, I want to invite […]