There is no greater place where healing, maturity and growth can take place than when we walk through conflict in a healthy way. At the same time, this subject hits at some of the deepest places of hurt, woundedness and brokenness in our lives. In today’s episode, we want to have a fruitful conversation about […]
S05 Ep08: Healing Rejection in Your Relationships
If you look at all your relationship frustrations, there are usually themes that keep repeating over and over. They become the irritants that you find yourself venting about. You may find yourself saying, “Why is it that ________ always keeps happening?” The problem is that when a rejection mindsets gets a hold of hurt in […]
How a Rejection Mindset Twists Communication
The number one place relationships break down is in the health of communication=what we say, how we say it . . . what we hear and how we hear it. With every relationship problem, there is always a communication issue along with it. But when a rejection mindset is in operation, healthy communication don’t stand […]