If you were to imagine your enemy as an army coming against you, the front-line attack is accusation. It’s the infantry of satan’s work, one that he takes on personally. His name speaks of being an accuser. No one will live a fruitful life while sitting under thoughts that accuse, condemn and shame. But be […]
Tag: Condemnation
S07 Ep13: Addressing Your Questions on Fear-Based Preaching, Guilt and Legalism
Today I addressed your questions on breaking free from fear based teaching, guilt and legalism as we continue to equip you to turn fear into your greatest victories. In this recording of a live broadcast, I also addressed a number of additional questions that involve fear, legalism, healing from trauma and being led by the […]
Spiritual Blocks to the Life of Your Heart – #07 Condemnation
If you struggle to walk in great freedom, you may be under the voice of condemnation in your life. It has been such a freeing experience to learn that many of my thoughts were based on condemnation. There are certain thoughts that come against us that are clearly lies, but many of them are facts […]
Overcoming Condemnation
A great privilege as a believer is the journey of growing with God from glory to glory. At each stage we mature and become more like Christ, while removing who we are not to be in Christ. This daily transformation journey is immersed in the power of God’s grace. Grace is God’s operating power. It is […]