Grace is not sloppy, nor is it irresponsible or careless. But grace is not afraid of our messiness. In fact, where things get messy, grace has an ability to work powerfully. Today I want to get into understanding this: that while we may struggle with condemnation, fear and shame regarding our sins and struggles, grace […]
2 Enemies to a BOLD Relationship with God
Grace makes way for a BOLD relationship with God, which speaks of a confident interaction with God. God calls us as His children to come before Him and to practice it confidently, as the grace of Jesus Christ provides us that confidence. This confidence is not based on what we have done, but on what […]
Grace and the New You
In our journey of experiecing the grace of Jesus Christ, how does it impact how you see yourself and your identity? Referencing 2 Corinthians 5 and Romans 8, I want to bring out how the power of God’s grace brings to us a whole new world of living–a new Father, a new family, a new […]
What is Grace? Part 14: The Gateway to Experiencing Grace
The grace of God involves God’s relational empowerment, divinely working and through your heart, based on the work of Jesus Christ. But how do you experience grace in a meaningful way? Today I want to talk about the key gateway to experiencing grace and how you can open your heart to up to it more […]
What is Grace? Part 13: God at Work Through You
It is by the grace of God that we love, bless and minister to other people. But have we made ministry so complicated that we do not see the beauty of God’s work in everyday, ordinary moments? What about our calling and destiny? Should we spend all this time trying to figure out our calling […]
What is Grace? Part 12: Grace and FAITH
As we learn to be people who embrace the grace of Jesus Christ and let it have a work in our lives, what relationship does FAITH have with grace? Today I want to bring out what faith is and how it relates to recieving grace, while giving some perspectives you can put into action to […]
What is Grace? Part 11: The Journey from Condemnation to Grace (Romans 7 to 8)
I want to take you on a journey–one that has changed my life in profound ways and has broken so many chains of condemnation that I have carried in my life. This journey involves one from condemnation into grace. Allow me to take you on this journey by teaching you line by line the words […]
What is Grace? Part 10: Grace vs Condemnation
In learning about the beauty of God’s grace, we have to discern the influence of condemnation that seeks to interfere. In working with Christians over the decades, it has been clear to me that what many consider to be God speaking or a direction given by God is actually the voice of condemnation. It’s the […]
What is Grace? Part 09: Grace vs Performance and Perfectionism
To understand the power of grace, you’ll need to understand how it contrasts with performance and perfectionism. Most would say this is really about grace vs law, which is true. But we don’t often see how law impacts us today. When most believers think of LAW, they often think of sacrifices, OT ceremonies and an […]
What is Grace? Part 8: Grace for the Single Person
What does grace look like in the life of a single person? Drawing upon my own single years and decades of working with others, I want to share some insights that can point you to the empowerment available in your single season. Singleness can often be seen as a liability but there are many opportunities […]