As I seek to help people through teaching and one on one work, there is often a statement followed by a question. “This is hard. Why is healing from brokenness so hard?” Today I want to address this question by providing eight perspectives that are important to keep in mind. Video Broadcast: Watch on Rumble: […]
Search Results for: healing
Church Transition & Finding Heart Healing Community
Today I am responding to questions about transitions that happen in church life, where friends move on from your church or you move on. What does it look like to navigate these changes? I also talk through the struggle that many experience to find genuine heart healing community. Video Broadcast: Recommended Resources: Healing from Spiritual […]
Healing Emotional Neglect and Perfectionism
What does emotional neglect have to do with perfectionism? And how does that effect your mental and emotional health at work? Today I will break down a question that was sent in about emotional neglect and how to heal through mental health and perfectionism, especially when it comes to the workplace. Video Broadcast: Recommended Resources: […]
The Gospel: Healing to Your Broken Heart
When we think of the Gospel, most believers automatically go to thoughts of going to heaven and forgiveness of sins. While these are incredibly important and critical aspects of the Gospel, do you ever hear about the experience of healing your heart as a major expression of the Gospel’s power? Why isn’t healing of the […]
Healing Mother Wounds
The healing of mothers wounds often surrounds the importance of experiencing nurture. When we recognize the lack of nurture in our lives, we can often discover places in our heart that carry mother wounds that need tender healing. But mother wounds can often go undetected in our journey, even though we live in a time […]
Healing Father Wounds
The battles we struggle with are an invitation to experience the heart of Father God in a deeper and meaningful way. At the same time, this deeper journey leads us to heal through the father wounds we carry. Many of the struggles we have in our relationship with God mirror the wounds we carry from […]
Healing Family Wounds: What NOT to Do
While we teach a lot about effective ways to experience heart healing and freedom, we have also learned what NOT to do in the journey as well. We have learned through experience about what can be very helpful and what is not helpful in the journey. So today, we pray that our honest conversation can […]
The Gospel: Heart Healing & the Transformation Journey
Today launches a series of teaching insights around the power of the Gospel and it’s impact on heart healing and our transformation. I want to share about what the Gospel has to say about our mental health, our identity and the journey of the heart. For so many believers, the Gospel they have received is […]
Healing Christian Compulsions
You can often begin to see where OCD has an influence in your faith journey in where you become compulsive. Compulsions in OCD involve following a forceful urge with the goal of alleviating inner conflict, guilt or anxiety. They can are often actions we take, but they can also me mental hoops we jump through […]
Healing the Inner Critic
What is the inner critic and where does this come from? Do you find that when you try to walk into healing and freedom, you experience resistance and thought patterns that keep accusing you, pointing out flaws and disconnecting you from experience the power of love and grace? This internal wrestling is often called the […]