Join us as we celebrate an incredible milestone of 1,000 videos on YouTube! As a part of this episode, Melissa asked Mark some questions, reflecting on the journey, the challenges that were face and the wisdom gained along the way. This Sunday live begins a new feature that many of you have asked for: a […]
Tag: Rejection Mindset
Healing the Heart of a People Pleaser
In order to break through patterns of people pleasing, we have to learn how to help the heart of a people pleaser to experience healing and find new directions that are healthy and empowered. Today my purpose is to look at your heart and equip you to walk away from the trap of pleasing and […]
Top 12 Reasons People Do NOT Empathize with You
Do you find it challenging to experience empathy from others when you share your journey? Today I want to look into the lack of empathy you may be experiencing by addressing a question that was recently sent in while also sharing with you twelve reasons people do not effectively empathize with you. Video Broadcast: Recommended […]
Mind Reading What Other People Think About You
What is your mind reading habit in relationships? I am not talking about some form of telepathic power, but the relationship practice of reading what someone thinks about you. In life, you and I carry a relationship “filter,” a way by which we process relaitonships and get a “read” on other people. You and I […]
7 Ways Your Mother Relationship Can Trigger a Rejection Mindset
I have spent years helping people to heal the father lens in their life, so that experiencing God as a Father can be embraced with greater clarity. Yet at the same time, there has been a wound that is often left unaddressed. It is a pain and emptiness that can lie under the surface, involving […]
Why You Need to Understand Your Relationship with Your Earthly Father
It doesn’t matter if you are 20 or 60 years old, it’s important to understand how your relationship with your earthly father has influenced your life. There are many good things to be grateful for, but there is also much to learn from the pain, emptiness and brokenness. Those areas are prime real estate for […]
A Rejection Mindset from Conception
Rejection’s assignment is to cultivate a sense of separation from love and a true understanding of who you are. It’s a nasty enemy that often begin its operations at birth. It can begin at conception, perpetuating rejection-based thoughts surrounding how you were conceived and born. Your parents carry a great deal of authority in how […]
The Relationship and Identity Destroyer: The Rejection Mindset
Experiencing rejection is incredibly painful. Yet there is nothing more deadly to relational health than when we carry a rejection mindset. Masses of people do not even realize they are infected with it. Meanwhile, a rejection mindset is behind just about every relationship breakdown and the drama that ensues. Rejection is a Mindset It’s important […]
Why We Hate Being Unproductive
I got nothing done today! Ever said that? Did it bother you deeply? Why is that? Why is this such an important issue for us to feel productive? Of course its great to have that feeling that you accomplished something. It feeds into our sense of purpose. But the modern world loves productivity, to […]