While the subject of intimacy with God is often discussed and taught on in Christian circles, we are not always honest about the struggle that many have. Many believers wrestle with a sense of disconnection when it comes to relating to God and they can feel very alone, even isolated in the struggle. Today I […]
Father’s Love
How the Love and Grace of God Changes Unhealthy Behavior
We often try to change while being influenced by condemnation, but it does not produce long-term change. Today I want to talk about the power of God’s love and grace to bring about dynamic change to behavior in our lives that is destructive and unhealthy. Watch on YouTube: Watch on Rumble: To support future broadcasts: […]
The Power of God’s Love to Transform Your Mental Health
Every single one of us were created and designed to live in the power of God’s love for us, for it is His love that paves the way for our thoughts, emotions and relationships to experience greater health. It is my fundamental conviction that all mental health begins with learning to experience the power of […]
The Struggle to Rest and Relax in God’s Love (Nurture)
I first intended on making this video for those who struggle with OCD, as they often wrestle with being able to rest in God’s love. But as I taught it, I definitely sensed this video applies to everyone. So many believers share their frustration with not being able to settle in the love of God. […]
Healing Father Wounds
The battles we struggle with are an invitation to experience the heart of Father God in a deeper and meaningful way. At the same time, this deeper journey leads us to heal through the father wounds we carry. Many of the struggles we have in our relationship with God mirror the wounds we carry from […]
The Gospel: The Father’s Heart for You
The message of the Gospel brings the heart of the Father towards you. But were you shown this in your Christian life? My life was propelled into a whole new direction when I was awakened to the heart of the Father in the Gospel message. I found that my struggles with mental and emotional health […]
Allowing God to Love You When You Are Afraid
Do you find that when you learn to receive God’s love and connect to how much He loves you, fear rises up? Do you find yourself realizing that the need to learn to actually let God’s love be received into your heart and mind? Today I want to address a question that was sent in […]
What is Love? (Part 5)
In part five of this broadcast series on What is Love? I will dive into the relaitonship that love has with truth. What is truth and how do we process truth in relationship to love? As a part of this session, I want to break down two ditches we can fall into when it comes […]
What is Love? (Part 2)
In Part 2 of “What is Love?” I want to share two more facets that are incredibly important when learning to navigate the depth and power of God’s love. As though looking at a multifaceted damond, discovering the power of love will enhance and mature your relationship with God, how you see yourself and how […]
Does God Have My Back? (And What Does that Even Mean?)
Melissa and I are back to dive into some more broadcasts that will encourage you healing and freedom journey. Instead of jumping into a new series, we decided to take some time to do some episodes together in addressing some great questions that have come in. We find that addressing many of these questions in […]