Today I want to address a number of questions that have a common theme: how we relate ourselves in the midst of our brokenness, struggles and pain. If you are wanting to grow in your heart healing journey, what I share here the major importance of relating to yourself with greater kindness, patience and compassion. […]
Tag: patience
The Healing Power of Patience
This episode begins a series “What Does Love Look Like,” based on 1 Corinthians 13. I want to bring out some of the most importance aspects of love that you and I need in our healing and freedom journey. When we look to experience healing, freedom and transformation in our lives, we often search for […]
4 Ways God’s Love Will Turn Your Life Around
If you and I were in a coaching session together, there are 4 keys I would want your heart to experience. So often, we are deeply passionate about change and breakthrough, but we often live unaware that our hearts are empty of love. We often try to experience change without experience the power of love […]
Learning to Be Patient with Your Journey
When I engaged the power of patience with my whole heart, it actually accelerated my healing and freedom journey. It almost sounds contradictory, but patience has an ability to enhance what your heart needs. When I lived under self-pressure, it slowed everything down and actually made it harder. Patience actually sped up the trajectory of […]
What You Need is Patience
One of the predominant questions I get asked by well-meaning people who desire greater transformation is, “How long does it take to get free?” Those who ask this are working through a battle they are trying to overcome, but they feel as though progress is taking forever. Depression often sets in. Many long for the […]
The Fear that Makes us Impatient
When my son Maximus was learning to talk as a little boy, one of the first sentences I remember him learning to say is, “Waiting is boring.” He’s right. But learning to wait is one of the most powerful habits to develop. It develops patience, a powerful arsenal in the Kingdom of God. James says […]
How Long Will It Take to Get Free?
One of the most common questions I receive from people is, “How long will it take me to get free?” They want to know how long it will take to get over their struggle or battleground. Many are neck deep in discouragement, thinking, “this will never end.” Some are saying, “Will I have to battle […]
8 Things You Need to Know About the Season You Are In
I remember back in the years of 2007–2009, running into many people who shared what they thought I should do and where I was headed. I would hear so many words spoken regarding how amazing those years were going to be; that they would unveil tremendous fulfillment and breakthrough. These things were said to me […]