Do you realize that many of the transformational experiences you want often take physical action that aligns with it? We often want to experience transformation, but we often need to learn how to engage our physiology. Christians can be notorious for not understanding how to engage our physiology for maximum impact. You can make a […]
Transformational Habits
S03 Ep09: Are You Teachable?
If you position yourself to become teachable, the floodgates of opportunity and transformation can open up in dynamic ways. Yet at the same time, not being teachable is one of the top reasons people do not change, grow or maximize their potential. Search the history of many people’s lives and you will discover that they […]
S03 Ep08: Gratitude
In a culture that easily drowns in negativity, you need tools that will help you rise above it all by cultivating a lifestyle of gratitude and thanksgiving. It is interesting that the habit of gratitude is known by everyone, yet underutilized in practice. We overlook the benefits and search for other areas to find greater […]
S03 Ep07: Talking to Yourself
If you are someone who talks to yourself, are you practicing a transformational habit, or is it a sign of mental illness? The answer probably lies in what you are saying and how you speak to yourself. Our words have tremendous power to breathe life or welcome death. We can get empowered or disempowered by […]
S03 Ep06: Listening to God
Listening to the promptings and thoughts from God are critical to experiencing transformation. But for many believers, the subject of listening to God seems intimidating, challenging or possibly impractical. Yet at the same time, Jesus said, “My sheep hear My voice…” in John 10:27 Jesus is the Living Word, speaking the heart of the Father. […]
S03 Ep05: Stillness
If you want to make most people squirm, ask them to practice stillness; to still and do nothing…absolutely nothing. Within 5 seconds, most people would reach for their cell phones or find something to keep their minds stimulated. It’s amazing how unfamiliar we are with a life of stillness. Masses of people live as though […]
S03 Ep04: Receiving from God
It is a great honor and privilege to be able to receive from God. Yet it is also a great struggle for many. Too often, receiving God’s love and forgiveness can be a real challenge. Why is this and why are we having such difficulties? In this episode, we want to talk about the importance […]
S03 Ep03: Repentance
Repentance is a gift from God, yet it is also a misunderstood word. I also find that it is an underutilized tool. Yet as believers, we have an incredible privilege to engage fruitful ways of thinking and move into new directions. This becomes empowered through heart-felt repentance, which involves shifting from one way of thinking […]
S03 Ep02: Self Awareness
As you seek to experience dynamic transformation in your life, you’ll need to become more accurately aware of what is going on in the life of your heart. Self-awareness is trait of emotional intelligence that can give us a sense of what’s going on and how we are processing life. As a developed habit, learning […]
S03 Ep01: Self-Compassion
We begin a series on transformational habits–important practices, mindsets and habits to become aware of when processing your healing and freedom with God. One of those important experiences is to practice self-compassion. Without it, you will end up being hard on yourself and not seeing what God is doing in the life of your heart. […]