Today I want to talk through the spiritual and emotional issues that drive many food issues and eating disorders. I want to get to what drives these struggles and how we can practically walk in new directions. It seems that if you take a moment to look around, there are so many who are struggling […]
Mental Health
🔴SNL: Church Reviews | Happiness vs Joy | Body Image Struggles
Join us for our live broadcast as we addressed questions on mental, emotional and relationship health and had a little fun along the way. In this broadcast, Mark had some fun in reading some church reviews, while Melissa and Mark shared on some family happenings. Mark addressed a question on a couple working through OCD […]
How Attachment Styles Impact Your Relationships and Mental Health
Addressing your attachment style and how it impacts your ability to connect, bond and relate can be incredibly helpful for your healing and freedom. Our mental health is deeply impacted by our relational world: how we experience relationships, how well we are equipped in relationships and how we relate to God, ourselves and the world […]
Healing Through Depersonalization and Derealization
In our journey of healing through mental health battles, many can find they are struggling to connect to their emotions and even to the world around them. Within my battles of obsessive-compulsive anxiety, I felt like I was watching the world live their lives, but I wasn’t connect to it. The way I describe it, […]
The Damage of Deliverance Dysfunction and Abuse Part 2
This is a part 2 live broadcast on the the subject of deliverance dysfunction and many unhealthy avenues that can be promoted in the name of deliverance. I will share more of my experiences while also giving you examples of dangerous and even abusive ways deliverance gets used. I also bring out an audio messaged […]
10 Spiritual Warfare Reminders for My Mental Health
We are in a war, a spiritual battle that impacts all of us in a variety of ways. There are battles that are waging over nations, people groups, towns, churches and families. Then there are also battles you face in your daily life. The battle wages over the thoughts and beliefs of our hearts. You […]
The Damage of Deliverance Dyfunction and Abuse Part 1
In this live broadcast, I will be taking questions on all things mental, emotional and relationship health. I will also spend some time addressing an email sent to me on someone who experienced a lot of unhelpful things from an intense deliverance ministry. I will address this plus more questions that address spiritual abuse, legalism […]
Do You Have a Quick Fix Mentality with Your Mental Health?
Are you chasing a quick fix mindset? In our struggle with mental and emotional health, we can put a lot of pressure on ourselves to hurry up, “fix” ourselves and fix ourselves quickly. “Fix it. Fix it quickly. Hurry up! Get me to the solution in the fastest way possible.” The problem is that mental, […]
The Power of COMPASSIONATE GRACE for Mental Health
Your mental health journey will experience so much more fruit when you come to experience and practice compassionte grace. These two areas will revolutionize how you relate to God, yourself and the world around you. It will transform how you relate to your mental health struggles, but compassionate grace is something that we need to […]
The Christian, Mental Health and Medication
Should I just go on medication? Is medication wrong for a Christian? I feel like I am struggling with my mental health, is medication going to help cure me? These are common questions that arise when people find their mood, their thought-life and emotions out of control or challenging to manage. In a world where […]