S09 Ep15: The Aftermath: Healing After Leaving a Toxic Relationship

Toxic Relationships

Once someone has made the decision to leave a toxic relationship or organization, a new chapter of healing opens up. For most, there are areas of healing that can be addressed that were never addressed before. This season takes kindness, wisdom and patience. We pray that in our discussion, you will find encouragement, insight and […]

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S09 Ep14: Healing from Toxic Faith, Cults & Spiritual Abuse

Spiritual Abuse

It is our conviction that unaddressed brokenness gives rise to toxic faith cultures, spiritually abusive environments and cults. In order for there to be a change, we will need to address the issues of our hearts that need healing. We pray that our conversation will encourage you to allow the healing process to take place […]

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S09 Ep11: Codependency – Part 2


Codependency is a main issue that keeps relationships from experiencing health. Living codependent keeps us in toxic relationship patterns, while never experience the health and wholeness we were made for. In this week’s episode, I want to continue providing insight into the deception and stranglehold of codependency. I want to compare codependency with interdependence Codependency […]

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