Today I am responding to a question that was recently submitted about fear, anger, irritability and more. As I respond to the email, allow me to help bring insight and perspective to where we can actually become very obsessive compulsive about anger rising up or issues that trigger anger. Many people become obsessive compulsive about […]
Obsessions & Compulsions
Are You Obsessive Compulsive About “Fixing Yourself”?
Have you become so intense about your mental and emotional health that you have become obsessive compulsive about it? Today I want to bring about how important it is in our healing journey to actually have breaks from incessant reading and self analysis, how we need room for application and time to process out what […]
S10 Ep14: Addressing Your Questions on OCD
Today we address your questions on Obsessive Compulsive battles, ranging from scrupulosity and religious OCD, to guilt confession and fear of the end times. Video Broadcast: Here are the questions we cover: How to help sister with scrupulosity How to help my adult son with scrupulosity Intrusive thoughts and prayer Can I write my prayers? […]
OCD Distortion #2: The Struggle with Doubt & Uncertainty
In support of your healing journey regarding OCD, I want to continue sharing on seven key distortions that OCD sufferers often have. In this second session, I want to cover the struggle with uncertainty, what it is, how it impacts OCD, with some helpful takeaways for your journey. Sit back and let your heart receive […]
Our World is OCD: Healing the OCD Culture
More people are realizing that their thought struggles can often fall into obsessive and compulsive patterns. It’s been a passion of mine to help people experience healing, as OCD has been an area of great struggle, with powerful healing that I have experienced. As I talk about the Obsessive and Compulsive battles that people face, […]
S07 Ep14: Addressing Your Questions on OCD
In today’s episode, we address questions arising on the subject of OCD, healing and overcoming from obsessive compulsive battles. “I didn’t think I would relate to this subject,” is what we often hear, until they hear us out and tune into what we are addressing when we bring up Obsessive Compulsive issues. This is way […]
Healing Obsessive Compulsive Battles
Obsessive compulsive disorder reveals more than just a psychiatric or mental health issue. There is a growing pattern where our culture is becoming increasingly obsessive and compulsive. The OCD battleground actually reveals where we need healing to our hearts. But it needs special attention and equipping. Melissa and I both have a history with Obsessive […]
My Journey of Overcoming Anxiety, Panic Attacks, OCD, Phobias and Other Fear Related Battles
One of the common things I hear from people I help is their relief in knowing someone else has gone through many of the battles they have faced. It’s amazing that what God leads you through can become leverage to help others. I personally understand the torment of fear in its various forms; be it […]
Healing Our Obsessions and Compulsions (Help for OCD, Unwanted and Unrelenting Thoughts) [Video]
What do we do about our obsessions and compulsions? Many people write to me, asking for help with their troubling thoughts and struggles in the mind. Whether they have been diagnosed, or they simply struggle to keep unwanted thoughts at bay, there is hope and healing available. Recommended Resource: God Loves Me and I Love […]