Today I am responding to questions about transitions that happen in church life, where friends move on from your church or you move on. What does it look like to navigate these changes? I also talk through the struggle that many experience to find genuine heart healing community. Video Broadcast: Recommended Resources: Healing from Spiritual […]
Church Life
7 Reasons Spiritual Fathering Can Be Tricky
We live in a day and age where people are manifesting a lack of fathering in their life. There is a great need for spiritual fathers to rise up in who they are to lead sons and daughters into their potential. Sadly, our culture reflects what the Apostle Paul saw when he said, “For though […]
10 Ways to be a Non-Abusive Church Member
When addressing the subject of spiritual abuse, I have observed two factors that can make it challenging. Many times the word “abuse” can be thrown around in a way that doesn’t allow for proper inspection. Is everything that happens to us abusive? What about when a church member acts in an abusive way towards a […]
8 Tips for Preventing Spiritual Abuse in Your Organization
Here are eight helpful mindsets to prevent spiritual abuse from forming in an organization. For more insights, check out our course on Healing from Spiritual Abuse.
7 Manifestations of Healthy Church Leadership
I have been spending a lot of time emphasizing the need for healing from spiritual abuse. Unhealed hearts will breed unsafe environments for people to process through their spiritual walk with God. Instead of safety, abuse can easily manifest if there is not a priority for people to live healthy, one with another. In teaching […]
10 Ways a Church Operates Like a Cult More than a Healthy Family
Words are really tricky, so addressing the term “cult” can get very complicated, especially because it’s not always used in the right context. This may come as a surprise to you, but the real meaning of the word cult is not 100% negative. Cult is derived from the word culture and can describe the unity […]
Is Your Organization Infected by a Political Spirit?
Politics often bring out the worst in relationships. It seems the ugliest in people show up, making relationships hostile, decisions harsh and attacks abounding. People begin to act like barbarians living in survival; cutting off the heads and betraying those they once had relationship with. We often criticize how dirty and ruthless politics can be, […]
How to Leave a Church Well
In the years I worked in pastoral ministry, I was very familiar in processing the departure of people from the church from various roles, as a staff pastor and also as a lead pastor. I found that most of the time this played out in a rather unpleasant way. Rarely was it ever a good experience […]
Do You Want to Be Pastored or Pacified?
I have been concerned over the years that what is often looked at as pastoring is not always true pastoring. A pastor is a shepherd, who watches over and bring nurture to the life of the sheep. Jesus is the Good Shepherd, so He certainly is the greatest model of pastoring. I am not sure […]
12 Ways You Can Hurt Your Church
What’s the best church in your area? The answer is actually quite simple. The best church in the world is the one God plants you in to be fruitful in. Over the 20 years that I have been involved in pastoring, helping churches and carrying leadership responsibilities, I have noticed some clear things that help […]