I have been spending a lot of time emphasizing the need for healing from spiritual abuse. Unhealed hearts will breed unsafe environments for people to process through their spiritual walk with God. Instead of safety, abuse can easily manifest if there is not a priority for people to live healthy, one with another.
In teaching the course on Healing from Spiritual Abuse, I am including some bonus material on what healthy environments can look like. In this video I give seven key leadership manifestations that show there is signs of health in the culture. I have extracted this from over 20 years of working in different levels of leadership, being a senior leader myself and then spending thousands of hours with people in personal sessions.
As you watch the video, you will see the 7 Manifestations of Healthy Church Leadership:
- A healthy mindset of serving, not as slaves, but as sons and daughters. (There’s a big difference!)
- Clarity and order, not in a controlling manner, but to give a sense of clarity to the culture.
- Loving covering and safety, where love is demonstrated in the culture.
- Emotional health and integrity is a high priority and value.
- A strong reference for the Word of God that keeps relationships grounded in sanity.
- Relational security, where healthy communication, conflict resolution and fruitful discussions can happen.
- Empowerment, where people are equipped and built up into their personal potential.
For more insights, join us in Healing from Spiritual Abuse.