S05 Ep03: Why Do I Struggle to Receive God’s Love?

Ask any Christ following believer, “Does God love you?” and the overwhelming majority would say, “yes, of course He does.” But the honest reality is that so many believe that in their minds but struggle to experience that in their hearts.

Over the years, the greatest struggle we have witnessed in the lives of Christians is the inability to receive God’ love in a personal and ongoing way. Most struggle with feeling far from God, disconnected and not experiencing the depth of God’s love.

What do we do about this? How did we get here?

We should not be surprised that there is a great battle over you receiving one of the greatest gifts God has given us; eternal love.

In this episode, Melissa and I get honest and real about this problem. We share our own struggles as well as the “nuts and bolts” of what receiving God’s love can be like. No cliches. No pat answers. We want to get to the real core of why so many struggle to receive the love of God.

A root of rejection in any place where the love of God has not been experienced, leading us to live by a rejection mindset. The work of rejection seeks to do all it can to create a sense of separation of love in your life.

Many do not know how to press into God’s love for healing. Most have never been taught. Therefore, rejection hovers over their painful situation, sending messages that disempower their connection to the Father and hinder the healing that is available in Him. The top lies rejection perpetuates are “You are far from God,” “God has left you hanging,” and “God is not here.”

Feeling a sense of separation from God is the easiest way to identify rejection’s lies in our thoughts. That is because the very nature of rejection is to cultivate a sense of distance in relationship. The enemy knows what these feelings of separation will do and the domino effect it will have on every area of our life. Therefore, the adversary works intentionally to ambush us with rejection to keep us in this prison.

Video Broadcast:

In this episode:

  • You will hear Mark’s story of feeling far from God, what that was like and what he learned.
  • Understand Melissa’s journey of learning to receive love from God.
  • How rejection trains us to feel far from God.
  • Mindsets and behaviors we live in that are rooted in rejection, when it comes to our relationship with God.

We pray this episode adds life and value to your journey with God.

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