Experiencing God’s Love as Your Father

God is a Loving Father

But have you experienced the Father’s love?

Father's Love, Love of God, Father God's Love

If we want to experience God’s love in greater dimension, we will need to know who He is as a Father. But for most people, our father lens has been wounded, so we struggle to relate to God in a His love.

What does father mean to you? Does it stir up references of love, hope and empowerment?

Masses of Christians are going to Jesus, yet avoiding the Father. Even though Jesus lived to show us what the Father is like. Yet to many, their earthly father references have left them wounded or empty. As a result, many believers feel like they are standing on the outside. They don’t feel close to God and struggle with receiving His love.

This all changes when we learn to experience God as our Father. This book will help heal your lens of what father means and usher you into a renewed and powerful relationship with Abba; your Dad.

In this book, you will be encouraged to discover:

  • The two greatest needs that you have in your heart.
  • What keeps us from knowing who God is as a Father?
  • How to overcome our flawed earthly father experiences.

Allow yourself to break through the hindrances that make you feel far from God and experience His love like never before!

Experiencing Gods Love as Your Father Full Book Cover

Available in hardcover, audio book and a FREE eBook version.




So Grateful for this Book

In 37 years of following Jesus, I very rarely heard teachings or sermons about how to connect to the love God has for us as our Father, so this has been uncharted territory for me. When a new Christian is not first rooted and grounded in God’s love, it is often a difficult and painful road to navigate. Thankfully, the Lord led me to Mark DeJesus’s podcast and this book, and am finally, while in my mid-60’s, I am beginning the journey to know how my heavenly Father loves me.

I am so very, very grateful for this book, which I practically devoured in one sitting, as well as his other resources. The best part is that Mr. DeJesus is speaking from his own journey, which makes this book even more of a valuable resource for those of us who struggle with religious scrupulosity. And now I can’t wait to read his other books, because I sure do need them!”

And to you personally, Mark, I truly believe that your own journey was God’s way of preparing you to minister to those of us who truly love God but have struggled in our walk with Him. I’ve listened to others who try to lend support on the topic, but your podcast is by far the best. There are going to be an awful lot of people waiting to thank you when you get to heaven! ~E.H.

5 Star ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

“Wow! What a book and a great place to start on your heart healing journey. This was the first book of Marks that I worked through and it has been a great foundation for the rest of my journey. Its packed full of so much truth, knowledge and understanding that I hadn’t heard before, but really resonated with me and my life. It really has been a great spring board for moving forward in my life and deeper heart healing. What I love about Marks books is that he is real, authentic and most importantly experienced most of what he is speaking about. He is excellent at relating and getting to the heart of the matter! I have also read ‘The Heart Healing Journey’, which is fantastic and I am currently working through Marks ‘Rejection Mindset’ book, which has really taken me deeper and revealed things to me about myself. I now understand myself more deeply and can relate to Father God like never before. I feel I am being equipped more to be an OVERCOMER rather than living as a slave and defeated all the time. Mark also has some excellent resources, which I’ve delved into. They are priceless along ones journey into emotional, mental  and spiritual growth. Love, love, love his ministry. Thank you so much for your desire and commitment to use your own battles and all you’ve learnt and been through to help others.” E.R.P.

My Compassionate Father God

“On my journey of transformation and learning I felt that God was telling me in order to experience his love I had to learn to love myself so I could love others. I was constantly beating myself up feeling guilty that although I was saved by the blood of the cross I was a bad Christian who was never good enough. My distorted view of God was marred by the inconsistent love and faults of my human Father. In short , although I had forgiven my Dad for his imperfections I felt I had inherited his anger issues . In a moment of crisis when I felt really ashamed for losing my temper in a verbal rant with a stranger , ( my immediate thought being “what kind of Christian does that” ! ) I cried out to Jesus to change me and lo and behold another Christian led me to the teachings of Mark DeJesus.
What a revelation to read “Experiencing God’s love as your Father” . I was just so moved to receive that perfect unconditional love from my compassionate Father God . I’m in the process of healing and learning to accept myself as my Savior sees me . Finally I’m starting to learn to love myself.
I really encourage people to read Marks books . His teaching has had a profound impact on my life and the wisdom and knowledge he and Melissa impart about the heart of Christianity in a down to earth , loving and humorous way has made so much sense to me. Thank you both from the bottom of my heart for your powerful message of God’s love for us.” – M.C.

Solid Foundation of Father’s Love

“I found the book, real, practical, full of insights, and a must read for every new Christian. The book lays a solid foundation of knowing the fathers love. Equally, it is a good reminder for older saints of truths that we possibly have let slip and need to revisit. I highly recommend this book as a must read at least once a year, to keep yourself in His love & grace and free from the performance based Christianity.” W.G.

Life Transforming Book

“If anyone is looking to turn their life around then this book is the right place to stop, pause, rewind, and enjoy! It’s been my ”Life transforming book.” This book forms the canvas against which all my learning (old and new) could be processed and arranged to give perspective to my life’s bizarre experiences. Without Mark’s  “Experiencing God’s Love as Your Father,” I don’t think I could have made any progress in my heart healing journey. It has been the perfect foundation that gives me the confidence that Father God has GOT me while traversing the past journeys as well as the unseen future.  Mark’s personal experience and insights drive the message straight to the heart and make it practical for anyone looking for guidance. I can’t thank him enough for the heart transformation work that he’s aiding! You can go over the book again and again and again…” S.P. from India

Answer to Prayers

“This book has been so impactful to me that I now find myself unconsciously speaking in what I thought were church cliche’s like, ‘Christ is my peace” and “God is my joy”. I have been a born again Christian for forty years. God was real to me. My walk was sincere. But I was never aware that the ‘wall’ between me and God began on my side. I was not aware how bad the world had beat me down until this book and many other resources by Mark DeJesus plainly and simply illustrated the fault line. God wasn’t to blame..and neither was I. I knew ‘something’ was missing and the belief that I had arrived at revelation and salvation- yet was secretly still unfulfilled quietly brewed a low simmering frustration and root of bitterness- at something I could not ( or afraid to) name. I prayed for years that the Lord help me to see Him the way He wants me to see Him. This is the start of the answers to those prayers.” – Z.I.

Heart Connection to Love

“The book speaks about God’s love in a relational way, I got to know that God’s love must be experienced in the heart not “known” in the head. For a while now in the body of Christ God’s love has been just a “theological” term, we never really experience his love in our heart. Also, earthly relationships were designed to give us a reference of what God’s love is like. I read 15 pages of the book and it’s refreshing, thank you Mark for putting this book together i pray increase on your ministry.” – O.E.A.

Opening Up the Journey

“Excellent book. I’m still on the journey to experiencing God’s love as a Father fully. But the book shed so much light on the truth of what is actually missing in my life.”

A Focused Work on God’s Love

“Experiencing God’s as a Father” is a book that helps the reader peer deep into the heart and find past wounds that affect present-day living. This book give focus to God’s love revealed in Scripture and helps lead any willing person into a deeper experience of God and His love.”

A Enormous Act of Love from God the Father

“Mark DeJesus’ resources dropped out of Heaven on my way when I was entering a major emotional crisis. For about two months I have enjoyed his teaching and have now finished reading this book. I’m amazed at the quality of the book as it’s so easy to approach, yet incredibly powerful and honest in its message and representation. Written with warmth but in a non-sentimental way, the dynamics of God’s love are laid out so masterfully as to developing / non-developing of God’s love in our lives, the effects of God’s love / the effects of lack of connection with God’s love etc.

I’m thinking how much has been written about this very problématique in the world, how many fixes – real or fake – have been offered, but never have I seen it addressed in such a down-to-earth fashion, in a way that invites the reader to step onto the way of healing.

Personally, I see this book as an enormous act of love from God the Father, as a sign that He saw me in what I thought was at the dead end, and reached out with answers. I find so many of my issues brought into light in this book, and when I now continue the process of healing, the words I hear ringing in my heart are “This is it!”, instead of “Let’s try this and see how it works.”

I Am Blessed and Encouraged

“This book as well as Mark’s other books and teachings are really affecting my life in a positive way, and I feel very blessed and encouraged by it. I’m learning to see how Father God relates to me in a loving way, and this book has helped expose my flawed thinking over God focusing on my flaws, instead of experiencing His healing love and heart for me. I will be rereading this book again as I find revisiting Mark’s materials very beneficial.” R.B.

Help for Those Struggling with OCD

“I am so thankful to God that I have found Mark DeJesus. I was praying for a very long time about the issues I was having and God led me to his YouTube video. It has changed my life SO much. I’m still on a healing journey, I know it will take time. But compared to what I was going through to now is like day and night. I’m forever grateful! Also his books are amazing! I heartily recommend them to anyone who is struggling with OCD. Books I recommend, The Heart Healing Journey, God Loves Me and I Love Myself.” K.P.

Simple, Yet Profound

“The book “Experiencing God’s Love As Your Father” is an excellent book! It delves into the simple yet profound truth that God wants to draw us in and show us His heart as a good Father. Mark DeJesus shows us that no matter the lens we have viewed the Father through previously, we can grow from there, and realize we are much loved children.” R.K.

Fresh Air!

“Coming from a religious background of legalism where God was to be feared; reading Mark’s book on how much God loves us was a breath of fresh air. My favorite chapter was the one about the comparison between the Roman adoption process and our adoption into God’s family. He must really love us to do all that! I highly recommend this book to any one who has doubts about how much God loves them.” S.E.


He Loves Me No Matter What

“I relate a lot with Mark’s book together with other materials that he teaches. I have learned to accept the love of God and practicing every day that God loves me no matter what and I’m so grateful every time. I also learned how to love myself even if it was difficult at the beginning but it’s a journey. Thank you.”

Revolutionary Love

“I discovered Mark DeJesus as I recommitted myself back to faith in God. It has been an absolute blessing to me. After hours of trying to work out my anxiety and depression, I found simply returning to this idea of the Father’s love for us completely revolutionary. I was not brought up with this view of God. Knowing this information and transferring it back to my own life, my own relationship with my earthly father and then my new learning about how God sees me certainly helps me when I’m struggling. I still struggle, I am on a journey – but I know this has been a massive step on my way. I listen to Mark’s other podcasts and YouTube videos and have found all that I’ve listened to immensely helpful so far. Thank you Mark, having this kind of information out there for us to access for free is just amazing.” B.H.

A Well Written Resource

“Mark is an excellent communicator and encourager and his book on the Father’s love is very well written. He breaks down what it means to relate to God as our loving Father and sets out clear suggestions on how Christians can have an intimate relationship with God. He addresses the needs of both men and women and explains well how our relationships with other people can impact how we see God. I really like how he uses the example of adoption into a Roman family to explain what happens when we become born again believers. Mark writes a touching letter to a son and then to a daughter and I felt the Father’s heart expressed well there. The book is also very readable and not too long, so it is good as a reference book as well as reading from start to finish. Of course, this book is only one of Mark’s helpful resources and there are other books and also videos which can help with a vast array of mental health and emotional issues. I would recommend this book to any believer, but especially to those who struggle to receive God’s amazing love.” GD

Missing Link

“YOU HAVE THE MISSING LINK not covered in counseling, church, or even by Charles Stanley’s book EMOTIONS, (and I consider him the wisest man on this earth!) All of my life, I’ve questioned what’s wrong with me. Why do I feel NOTHING, shut down, empty, on the outside, purposeless, fleeting joy…and exhausted through endless giving to others. I first discovered you through a search about ‘heart of stone’…because THAT is what I felt, and was trying to understand my disconnect. There was an article by you…which sent me digging to your YouTube videos…then your books.. first book, Exposing the Rejection Mindset. ‘Self loathing’ explained why I burn everything from my past, and still purge fire it every few years! My counselor even knew this, but could never explain why! I get it now! Church, Bible studies, books etc…all skim across the surface of rejection, even mention ‘the root cause’ but don’t say HOW to FIND and uproot the ROOT!
The words ‘fear of rejection’ encapsulated EVERY thing my sister and I have been through all our life, from our deep parental wounds, and we are now 55 and 57! Both high functioning on the surface: married, great jobs, our children have turned out amazing…people think we have it together…but we were…still are, a wreck/work in progress! Recognizing ‘fear of rejection’ several times throughout the day, in myself, in those around me, even AT WORK…explains SOOO much of what is going on in my job, in my relationships..in the torn world around me, in my fort walls of protection that must come down. Thank you and thank you to Melissa, for being so authentic and saying those things we all want to bury, hide in shame, to appear we have it all together…which keep us further in bondage. THIS is the answer to every (drug and other) addicted persons that I know.” D.L.

Without a revelation of God’s love, you will not know who you really are.

“This book represents a unique and a sincere way for everyone, who is searching for healing from wounds of the past. This is the first book I have ever read about, which treats the “Father God`s love” directly and properly, the style of the author Mark DeJesus strongly motivates you to dive into your own false self-beliefs and reprogram them according God`s image.

Every chapter presents in detail the core religious misunderstandings and prejudices about God’s love we have in mind. One of the precious idea in the book is that: Without a revelation of God’s love, you will not know who you really are. The religion can not help you because it perverts who God really is, it is a replacement theology that takes the Christian’s view away from the love of God’s heart and replaces it with legalism. But this book is an important tool for returning to God’s model of love that has the power to completely transform human life. I enjoyed the book and highly recommend it to everyone!” P.P.


Recommend for All Christians

Experiencing God’s Love as Your Father by Mark DeJesus was very helpful to me.  Realizing the broken heartedness, stemming from an unapproachable, angry earthly father who judged, condemned, meted out severe punishment, broke his word and never gave me anything I wanted, only what he wanted. He left me with a fearful and warped view of God.  I also had an un-nurturing and unprotecting mother.  I would recommend Mark’s book to all Christians.  Peace, God’s grace and love in Jesus to you all.  M.G.

From Someone Who Has Faced These Battles

The resource was extremely helpful. The author writes with the insight of someone who has faced these battles himself. I would recommend this and all of his resources to anyone struggling with OCD /scrupulosity or in need of feeling God’s love. Thank you Mark for all your work. T.B. 

A Must Read!

“By providing insight into the root issues and practical applications in daily life, this touching and insightful book connects reader’s to God’s love in a way not seen in any current books yet. A Must Read!” T.N.

Learning What the Real Love of the Father Is

“Experiencing God’s Love As Your Father” is a must read for anyone who grew up believing that God is a remote, unreachable, angry God who’s just waiting for you to make a mistake so that He can punish you. Mark’s book clearly tells in plain, easy to understand English, using Scripture references to support his teaching, that God is totally the opposite of that concept of Him. This  book explains what real love, the love of God the Father is, something many of us never experienced growing up because our own fathers hadn’t received it themselves. One of the many valuable take-aways from this book is that it in no way promotes blame of our earthly fathers or self-pity for wrongs experienced though them – they couldn’t give what they didn’t receive. EGLAYF also offers questions to dig deeper into what’s lacking in being able to experience the love of God the Father at whatever pace works for the one reading it. This is a wonderful resource for anyone’s healing journey – many thanks Mark!” N.W.

Discover Who You Really Are

“I found this book brilliant in connecting to the Father’s heart and finding His love for me. It has changed my walk with God. Rather than seeking performance based approval, I rest in God’s love for me and his grace. I have the Father’s approval, his acceptance and validation so I no longer seek it from my performance or my peers. My Identity remains firmly in Him. The book, ‘Experiencing God’s love as your Father’ has been crucial for me to gain an understanding in having God as my father and outworking this profound truth in my life. As a follower of Mark DeJesus teachings, I recommend this book to start you on a journey of discovery to who you really are….” G.W.

Everyone Will Benefit

“A must read. I recommend everyone read this book. It really helps in understanding who God really is as our Father who really loves us. It helps me to realize the truth about God, and the healing that we all need. I believe everyone would benefit from reading this book, I can’t recommend it enough!” V.

Vital to Every Christian

“Mark’s book ‘Experiencing God’s Love As Your Father’ is vital to every Christian. None of us had perfect father’s and we are inclined to project our relationship to our earthly father onto God and miss the reality of the love of our heavenly Father.” G.L.

So Grateful for This Book

This book is an amazing tool that God used in my life to heal me from old father wounds. I had never thought of the fact that as a daughter, I should have been noticed, affirmed, celebrated. When these things are lacking, we suffer low self esteem and try to find them in all the wrong places. I’m so grateful for this book and all of the author’s resources. They influenced my life in a great time of need. Highly recommend! D.K.

A Fresh Perspective on God’s Love

This book helped me to understand some ways in which I’ve been hurt, and how those hurts sometimes can be misinterpreted as being a part of God as a Father, but His Love, the only one that doesn’t fail us, is not like the love from our parents, whom aren’t perfect and can make mistakes. So it helped me to see a fresh perspective on God’s love, that washes over my heart and helps me feel loved. 

Foundation of Our Faith

This book is a reminder that the love of ABBA our Heavenly Father is the foundation of our faith & we can not live without experiencing & receiving His love through His Beloved Son Yeshua/Jesus. A.E.

Highly Recommend!

There are not many Pastors I use for help to understand the Bible better. The problem is that many pastors try to manipulate people, try to make them to obedient people towards the government and to other people with power. The method is always the same: make the people feel guilty, make people uncertain about what they see and do all this in the Name of God! It is just the opposite of the freedom Jesus Christ gives us. Mark DeJesus is one of the few pastors who teaches the real gospel and the real freedom in Jesus Christ.  The themes of the Fathers Love, freedom from the performance driven lifestyle or toxic guilt, Mark teaches us areas that are very important for every Christian. I highly recommend his books and videos! A.H.