We will constantly spin our wheels with little progress if we don’t experience the power of God’s love and grace in our hearts. It is astounding but true, that a large percentage of believers engage the Christian walk, but have very little heart connection to God’s love and grace in a personal way. Because of […]
Tag: Spiritual Blocks
Spiritual Blocks to the Life of Your Heart – #07 Condemnation
If you struggle to walk in great freedom, you may be under the voice of condemnation in your life. It has been such a freeing experience to learn that many of my thoughts were based on condemnation. There are certain thoughts that come against us that are clearly lies, but many of them are facts […]
Spiritual Blocks to the Life of Your Heart – #06 Fear
Are you aware of how much fear may be holding you back from what is possible? Jesus said that in the last days, men’s heart would fail them for fear. Are you letting fear keep you contained, holding you back from the decisions that you need to make? Your heart was made to live in […]