The church lady is dead, and in this week’s episode, I want to share with you how it happened. Teri Miller, the author of “Death of a Church Lady,” shares with me her journey of shedding off what the “church lady” meant to her and encountering truth that allowed her to live free. Teri Miller […]
S05 Ep07: Healing the Generations from Rejection (A Conversation with Twaambo Kapilikisha)
One of the greatest ways healing can be experienced in families is when we are able to uproot rejection in our generations. In this week’s episode, I had the opportunity to talk with Twaambo Kapilikisha, regarding the book Exposing the Rejection Mindset, and how the message has made a difference in her life. I had […]
An Interview with My 7 Yr old Daughter: Overcoming Bad Thoughts and Experiencing God [Video]
One day in my office, my daughter Abigail wanted to jump into the studio and have a “talk.” In it she shared about her perspective on thoughts, experiencing God, the power of prayer and more. I love hearing her heart and want to share this with you. I initially posted this on Facebook, and people […]