When we are under the influence of a shame attack, our emotional response typically ends up going into two unhealthy directions that do not allow us to remain in sobriety. They can keep us stuck in patterns of denial, stubborn and defensiveness or drowning despair and hopelessness. In today’s broadcast, I want to spend some […]
Tag: Victim Mentality
Freedom from a Victim Mindset
In this part 2 of the teaching series “Breaking Limitations Off Your Life,” I am sharing about the destructive bondage of a victim mindset. The insights provided in this teaching are from my own journey as well as insights I have learned in the trenches of helping others heal and overcome. With every place of […]
12 Signs You Live with a Victim Mentality
The victim mentality is deeply rooted and connected to the rejection mindset. They work together to keep you underneath the limitations that you bump up against. Victim thinking is rejection’s foot solider to keep you from seeing any picture of freedom for yourself. It is always seeking to keep you underneath the lid of limitation. […]
Breaking Out of Victim Thinking that Keeps You “Stuck”
God is building in His people an ability to live as overcomers; those who are presented with impossible odds, yet still experience personal breakthrough. We love reading books and watching movies about people who had incredible disadvantages but overcame with relentlessness. Every single one of us faces a resistance, assigned to wear us down and […]
How Jesus Addressed the Victim Mentality
In chapter 5 of the book of John, Jesus found a man by a pool, where he and many others lay sick and diseased in various ways. The location was Bethesda, a supernatural site where an angel would come down and stir up the waters. When this angel would swoop down and touch the waters, […]