New Training Course: Restoring the Power of Nurture

Receiving Comfort, Love and Affection and Healing from Mother Wounds

To face tough times and disappointments in life, we need to be able to receive nurture from God. Yet masses of people are empty when it comes to receiving comfort and nurture, which leads us to emotional instability, addictions and unhealthy relationships.

Nurture is the love of comfort and God established a massive amount of nurture in the heart of a mom. Yet many people carry mother wounds and are not able to identify them. Yet they struggle to maintain emotional balance and a healthy response to pain in their life.


The Lack of Nurture in the World

Our world is manifesting a lack of nurture like never before. People are struggling to maintain their sense of comfort and recovery from adversity.

We receive nurture from the Holy Spirit, who is the Comforter. But many people with nurture wounds have a hard time receiving nurture, comfort and encouragement when they need it most.

This course will walk you through the power of nurture and how to access nurture in your life.

This course will cover the following subjects that pertain to nurture:

  • Discovering what nurture is.
  • Healing our nurture wounds.
  • Healing mother wounds.
  • Stabilizing our thoughts and emotions.
  • Improving our mental health.
  • Healing from addictions.
  • Receiving love and comfort in the midst of discouragement.
  • How to practically process nurture in our lives.

Includes bonus material that will help you heal your heart and open up your life to the power of nurture.