3 Areas of Healing Your Family History

If you are passionate about healing and freedom in your mental, emotional and relationship life, then recognizing where you come from and how it influences your current life, then you will need to become aware of three keys areas of your family history. 

When you look back at where you come from, there are probably a mixture of some good decisions, bad decisions, blessings and sins, healthy thinking and unhealthy thinking. 

The more you allow healing to take place in your life, you may start to become more aware of how dysfunctional your family was.

This is a normal part of the healing journey. 

The reason our families have so much dysfunction is multiple . . . but it has a lot to do with how sin has impacted the family tree. Sin breaks down relationships, sin impacts relationships and how we do relationships. Sin brings about dysfunction, because one the main things that sin does is erode the family and the generations. God’s desire is that His ways be reproduced in the family line, yet we can see the impact of how our families are in need of deep healing and restoration. But this seems to be one of the trickiest areas to navigate in our healing journey. Our families have aspects of blessing and destruction that we end up having to deal with. 

So in recognizing your healing journey, you will need to come to terms with how your family impacted your life. Today we want to talk about three areas we need to recognize when it comes to your healing journey and how your family impacted your life.

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