Working Through Thought-Action Fusion

Do you connect that thoughts that arrive into your thinking are the same as acting on it. Thought-action fusion (TAF) is a fancy psychological term that simply describes a cognitive distortion that occurs when people believe that their thoughts are equivalent to their actions. This means that they believe that simply thinking about something bad or harmful makes it the same as doing it.

For many OCD strugglers, thoughts arriving into your mind and acting on thoughts are the same, meaning that having a thought show up is the same as doing the thought. For those who battle OCD, they can believe that certain thoughts imply the immorality of their character or increase the likelihood of catastrophic events.

For Christians, it can create a distorted perspective on verses that speak on “as a man thinks” or “if you look at a woman with lust you have already committed adultery.”

TAF is a common symptom of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), but it can also occur in other anxiety disorders and in people who have experienced trauma. It can lead to a great deal of anxiety and distress, and it can make it difficult to live a normal life. In this broadcast, I want to address this problem and bring out ten observations to help you discern the distortions that empower thought-action fusion.

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