Jesus knew the love of the Father and experienced the foundational love that every believer should encounter regularly. In the Gospels, we can find the account of Jesus experiencing His Heavenly Father’s love. This was imperative for Him, as He was to begin His earthly ministry on the planet. When all the people were baptized, […]
Tag: Fathers
7 Gifts a Dad Can Bring to His Family
We are experiencing generations that have been deeply affected by fatherlessness and carry woundedness stemming from poor father relationships. These wounds affect how we see ourselves, our lives and even our relationship with God, who wants us to know Him as Father. The Scriptures speak of restoring the father relationship in the land. Malachi prophesied […]
God is Not Like Your Father
We must target a key wound that has to be addressed for healing. We all carry a love bucket that our fathers were meant to fill, yet so many have not received that important expression of love. Earthly fathers were designed to help us understand the love of our Heavenly Father. Your relationship with your […]