The insights I am sharing have saved my mental health, which has to do with discerning self-pity in my life. This monster wil seek to interfere in your ability to step out of imprisoning mindsets and behaviors. It will interfere in your ability to walk in greater mental health. Self-pity is a deceptive counterfeit to […]
Break Free from Self-Pity
If you feel you are struggling with feeling stuck, limited, held back, or constantly spinning in the same negative struggles…..this teaching is for you. While the victim mentality sets the environment for remaining “stuck” in limitation, self-pity is a counterfeit coping mechanism, by which we seek to find comfort in our pain. In this teaching […]
9 Steps to Overcome Self-Pity
We all have certain areas that are prone to self-pity. Those are usually the areas we can grow in the most, but self-pity will keep us from it. This article is intended for those who really want to take their life back and manifest change. Self-pity triggers whenever a challenge in our life seems to […]
How Self-Pity Will Keep You From Transformation
One of the great lessons I have learned is that feeling sorry for yourself actually makes your condition worse. The problem is that it can feel comfortable to remain in self-pity. It’s like a cozy blanket, but it will keep you trapped from ever breaking free. It is my honor to help people break out […]
Exposing Self-Pity: The Counterfeit Coping Mechanism
In order to overcome, there is no question you will have to face trials by growing in patience, hope and resilience. Let me be honest with you. In the decades I have spent helping people I can say with confidence that life is not easy. You will need to build a tenacity in life that […]