I recently watched the movie, “The Adjustment Bureau,” a story of an up and coming senator, played by Matt Damon, who falls for a budding ballet dancer, played by Emily Blunt. During his romantic pursuit of her, he learns there is a mysterious group of men that are at work to keep the two of them apart.
Over time he realizes there is an “adjustment bureau,” a hidden operation going on that has certain plans laid out for people all over the world. Anytime someone falls out of the scripted plan, agents are sent undercover to invade and bring things back into the original desired outcome.
Are you aware of the invisible conspiracy to keep you from overcoming?
As I watched this movie, I was struck by a particular section, where Matt Damon’s character has had enough and decides he is going to go against the tide and pursue the one he loves anyway, even though the bureau has a different path that will eventually lead to the presidency.
As he goes “off course,” doing whatever he can to find his love, he is confronted with an assault of collisions intended to derail him, from crashing taxi cabs, to bureau agents posing as police to distract him. The assault was to keep him from overcoming.
I found a very telling parallel to the Christian life. We all know that God has plans for us as His children, but there are plans that the enemy has as well. Satan works an “adjustment bureau” to keep us repeating the same sinful paths of our generations, binding us to the same ditches of iniquities that our ancestors never overcame.
Sure we might decide to become Christians, but we end up repeating many of the same patterns of our family’s sins.
Anytime a believer makes a decision to shift the spiritual dynamics of their life against the grain of their family tree, the “bureau” of the enemy comes and shakes things up tremendously, to push us back into the old patterns and keep us in the same trenches that our inheritance struggled with.
The good news is you do not need to be a slave of your families demonics. You can make a decision today to plow a new course in your life. But do not expect these shifts to come without a fight. The bureau will test what you are made of. If you remain faithful, what was meant to derail you will become the greatest inheritance you will leave for generations to come.
The good news is you do not need to be a slave of your families demonics.
And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren. Luke 22:31-32
Pray this: Father, give me eyes to see and ears to hear. May I understand in greater measure the war that is going on and may I not lose heart to stay the course in overcoming what has bound many in my family. I choose to set a new course for God in my generations. In Jesus name. Amen.