Those who struggle with OCD are often wondering what is going on within their heart. They can often get lost in unproductive and unfruitful examination of what is happening in their heart and mind. In this video, I will break down, “What is actually going on in the heart of an OCDer?” Allow me to […]
Tag: Obsessive-Compulsive
Healing Through Relationship OCD (Q&A) Part 2
Join me in this live Q&A as I address a very specific battle of OCD that impacts relationships, especially romantic ones. It is often called relationship substantiation or relationship OCD. In this broadcast, I talk about the overview of Relationship OCD, the nervousness involved in moving towards marriage and the concerns I have with the […]
Working Through Health OCD
I address a question about health OCD and how to navigate through the struggle of being obsessive-compulsive about disease, illness and sickness. Video Broadcast: Watch on Rumble: Recommended Resources: To support future broadcasts: DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | RSS
The Story Behind the Book: Melissa Interviews Her Husband
Melissa DeJesus interviews her husband Mark about his latest book, The OCD Healing Journey.
2 Reasons Christians Get Off Track with Intrusive Thoughts
Everyone experiences intrusive thoughts, but for those who struggle with OCD, they can easily get lost in examination the thought and reacting to the thought in ways that are compulsive. There are two reactions to intrusive thoughts that Christians with OCD can fall into that drive them off track. Do you find yourself falling into […]
12 Reasons OCD Gets Worse
Have you ever felt like the spiraling of OCD is getting worse? What do we do when we feel like our obsessive-compulsive struggles are getting worse and more intense? Today I want to bring perspective on some things to consider when you feel like things are getting worse than getting better. Video Broadcast: Watch on […]
The 7 Distortions of OCD
OCD wants you to think the problem is whatever you are obsessing about. Yet you need to understand that “the problem is not the problem.” The issue you are “spinning” about is not the issue. It is more about HOW you relate to your thoughts that is really what needs to be addressed. With obsessive-compulsive […]
What is OCD? Part 1: Obsessions
There is a lot of misunderstanding when it comes to OCD. Many see it only as a cleanliness and order issue, but it is much more than that. Today I want to get into what OCD is by first explaining what obsessions are, how they show up and what topics are often material for the […]