S07 Ep06: The Top 3 Fears that Hinder Marriages

As we continue our series on Turning Fear into Your Greatest Victories, we wanted to share with you a very open and vulnerable journey in our marriage, of facing the fear factor together. Fear wants to keep your marriage from experiencing the potential that can be found in greater intimacy, connection and union.

We found that fear has come against our marriage in many ways, but we experience great breakthrough by facing and working through 3 key fears. These fears were not only present in our marriage, but we find them in operation in most marriages.

To break through the limitations and struggles in your marriage, you may need to face the fear factor to experience transformation.

We pray that our story empowers you and the marriage that God is building in your life.

Video Broadcast:

In this episode, we talk about: 

  • Our own personal journey of addressing fear in our marriage.
  • The importance of vulnerability in a powerful marriage.
  • How to pray effectively as a couple and see the fruit.
  • Some healthy perspectives on dealing with the past.

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