S07 Ep02: The Top 5 Fears that Hold Christians Back

Continuing on our series of “Turning Your Fears into Your Greatest Victories,” we’re diving into uncovering the top five fears that Christians face, which hold them back. The more we can get honest about these fears and overcome them, the greater impact we will see in our homes, churches and relationships.

Do you have any of these fears operating in your life? If you do, they are probably holding you back to some degree. But you don’t need to live under that limitation. You can break free. And in this episode, we want to help you experience the freedom available in breaking through the fear factors that hold you back.

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In this episode, we talk about: 

  • The top five fears that Christians seem to battle with the most, that hinder a fruitful life.
  • Why we have these fears.
  • What to do about them and break free.

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