As God strengthens your capacity to walk in His peace, it allows you to tune into the voice of God like never before. Many struggle to hear the voice of God, because they lack connection to His peace.
God’s is not in a panic, hurry or torment. His voice matches His nature. God is at perfect peace, so when we tune into God’s peace, we allow ourselves to also tune into His voice.
The Peace of God and God’s Voice
The voice of God carries a confident stillness and security in being able to instill in you exactly what you need. In every trial and every circumstance, God has exactly what you need so that you can possess His interpretation over your circumstances.
But if you’re in panic, you’re not going to gain His perspective, nor will you see the solutions. If you’re in constant worry, control and stress, odds are those invaders will seek to dictate your mindset and decisions. These fear-based thought patterns will steal your peace and interfere with the still and confident voice of God.
Fear that Yells
Fear is very loud and will seek to drown out the confident voice of God. A fear response can easily dismiss God’s voice and drive us into compulsive decisions with knee-jerk attempts to control. We often attempt to control people and circumstances. Meanwhile, the solution is that we need to get still and listen for God in the midst of His peace.
Many are exhausted right now because fear drives them to carry the weight of the world on their shoulders. The peace of God seems out of reach. When in reality, God’s peace has not left, we’ve just been conditioned to live unplugged from it.
Then we wonder why we can’t seem to hear from God.
Get into Peace
We need the peace of God so we can tune into what He is saying over any given circumstance. That peace exudes confidence, a true sense that God is at work, no matter what circumstances say.
The world will continue to give into fear and live in the pressure that fear brings. But you don’t have to come under that same bondage. The peace of God is available for you to live in. You just may need to get still and tune yourself into the peace that rises above every calamity and problem.
So begin entering into His peace right now by releasing your cares to Him and tune your senses to that powerful peace. God peace is available to all who believe.
As you release your cares and rest in His love for you, watch how God works on your behalf in powerful ways.
He’s fighting for you, so remain in His peace.
The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace. Exodus 14:14 (NKJV)
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