The REAL Struggle of Intimacy with God

While the subject of intimacy with God is often discussed and taught on in Christian circles, we are not always honest about the struggle that many have. Many believers wrestle with a sense of disconnection when it comes to relating to God and they can feel very alone, even isolated in the struggle.

Today I want to bring out that this struggle to experience intimacy with God is more common than we might think. It brings out the battle of disconnect. Too many are lost in discouragement, wondering why they can’t seem to gain a sense of closeness to God. Today, I want to explore the real struggle of intimacy with God, and why so many of us feel disconnected.

I believe we can be honest about it, while allowing our hearts to move towards directions that bring about healing and freedom. The journey has many ups and downs, and quite frankly, we need a little about honesty about the struggle, with redemptive insight so we can all grow in this.

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