Here is feedback many have given on receiving coaching session help:
Mark says things in a way that helps me connect to my heart. I get perspective–a window of what’s going on inside, to show what I could not see. And he communicates it in a way that I get it.
My deliverance and healing journey began the way you’d pretty much expect… ugly, messy and downright unpleasant. It was not easy to turn certain things around in my life, although in many ways I’m still in the process. Like many men before me, I had to make a choice. I had to decide to “…put away childish things.” I had to make the hard decision to grow up. This is a choice I then realized I must do daily. But, it’s one I’m glad I continue to make. When I first met Mark DeJesus, my marriage was hanging by a string. Thanks to a praying wife who doesn’t believe in divorce, I decided to give it one last opportunity. We’ve been to many counselors. My problem? Pornography. At least, that’s what I thought, until I conversed with Mark for the first time. After some counseling sessions, and the help of some of his books, ‘‘Overcoming the Rejection Mindset’’ & ‘’God Loves me, and I Love Myself’’, Mark helped me to get down to the root of the problem, pointing out that pornography was not my issue. It’s what I ran to in order to mask the pain of the issues I had carried for many years. Once I faced those issues, and began to stand on the authority of the word, pornography and the spirits connected to them began losing power. I could now say “No!” with all confidence. And, all glory to the Father, I don’t have to feel ashamed anymore. I’m now well on my way to living a Transformed life. Thank you, Mark!