Speaking Information

One of my greatest passions is communication–sharing a compelling message that ignites the people into a transformation experience. Since my youth, I have been speaking in front of crowds. It has been a part of my calling no matter where my journey has taken me.

Connecting with speakers and teachers who can add value to your leadership, church, business or organization is very important. My hope is that this page, along with other pages on my web site, will help you get a sense of my heart, experience and overall passion to inspire transformation it the hearts of people.

My great passion is to speak on specific topics that would help and add value to the audience I am investing in. With that, I also enjoy time set aside for Q&A, where I can address specific issues that arise.

Starting the Process:

1. Check out my resources.

The first step I recommend if you would like to consider me as a speaker to your group or event, is to get on my mailing list and check out my resources. See if my areas of emphasis would add value to your group or organization. Consider which topic or subject would best help you and those you are connected to.

2. Consider a virtual meeting.

Before looking into an in person event, it may be helpful to consider booking a virtual meeting with your group. The format that works best for me is to speak on a certain subject, while making room for questions that arise that I can help and support.

Start the Conversation

3. Investment

Then from there, a possible “in person” speaking can be considered. When looking at in person speaking events, I do keep them to a minimum. As dad of young children, I guard my schedule so that I can make sure to prioritize the growth of my family.

But when considering in person events, I look at them through the perspective of “investment.” Instead of just a one time speaking moment, I often like to consider weekend investments or opportunities where I can speak, but also invest in the person lives of those who are looking to recieve insight and support. This makes the time so much more rich and fruitful.

Start the Conversation

Start the Conversation

Sample Messages:

Here are some sample messages you can watch to get a feel for my personality and delivery:

Being Equipped to Overcome Fear

Letting God Love You As His Creation

The Father’s Love & The Spirit of Adoption

Living from a Powerful Identity

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