Are you aware of how much fear may be holding you back from what is possible? Jesus said that in the last days, men’s heart would fail them for fear. Are you letting fear keep you contained, holding you back from the decisions that you need to make? Your heart was made to live in […]
S07 Ep04: Getting to the Heart of Our Worry Issues
Worry has become so commonplace in our culture, it’s like we assume it is just a part of life. People worry so much that if they are not worried about something, they begin to think something is wrong with them. We’ve been trained to worry about everything. Where does worry hit you the most? Is […]
S07 Ep03: Is this Fear or Healthy Concern?
The fears we battle can often hide underneath the surface, undetected. Many times the fear issues of our heart that we need to face and heal from, can become relabeled as “good caution,” “good fears” or “healthy concern.” But are we masking over issues we need to face and heal? How do we develop the […]
S07 Ep02: The Top 5 Fears that Hold Christians Back
Continuing on our series of “Turning Your Fears into Your Greatest Victories,” we’re diving into uncovering the top five fears that Christians face, which hold them back. The more we can get honest about these fears and overcome them, the greater impact we will see in our homes, churches and relationships. Do you have any […]
S07 Ep01: How Facing Our Fears Changed Our Life
We are back with a new season of episodes, focused on the subject of Turning Your Fears Into Your Greatest Victories. We will cover the battleground of fear in a way that will encourage you to overcome them and experience the transformed life you were made for. In this first episode of the series, we […]
Is Murphy’s Law Training You to Forebode?
Listen to the perspectives and murmurings of many conversations and you will probably find the influence of Murphy’s Law in the midst, keeping people bound to a fearful and foreboding perspective. There is speculation as to the origin of Murphy’s Law, but one story on March 3, 1978, The Desert Wings printed a fascinating backstory […]
Do You Have a Foreboding Mindset?
Is it possible that fear has become your main counselor? To the point that its hindering how to face your future? If so, you may be listening to foreboding thoughts that will in the long run, hinder a life of faith and change. If the enemy can keep you afraid, then he’s got you locked […]
2 Important Responses to Fear You Need to Utilize
There is no question we live in an increasingly fearful culture. It’s important that you realize that fear is seeking to have access to your thinking all day long. So we need to be armed up. If God spoke hundreds of times the phrase, “do not fear,” in the Scriptures, then it’s important we be […]
10 Practical Ways to Overcome Fear [Video]
Whether it’s anxiety, stress or worry, we all need spiritual insight and practical application for overcoming the work of fear against our lives. In this video, I share ten practical ways that you can overcome the fear factor. Each of these can be put into action right now. We all have areas of fear that […]
Learning to Practice Your Peace
In the midst of turmoil, tension and stress, you need to be able to access the peace of God at any moment. But how do we do this? From first hand experience, I know what it’s like to struggle with living in any peace at all. I know what’s like to be a Christian and […]