🔴Sun Live: The Afterlife | Compulsive Apologizing | Procrastination

Is ok for Christians to think about the afterlife, judgment or end times, or is that an OCD thing? How do you work through compulsive apologizing….with God….with other people? How do you work through panic attacks when you are becoming an empty nester?

Is it ok for me to model or become a social media influencer? I pursued a degree and then changed it. I pursued a graduate degree and then changed it, what do I do? What happens if you have a fear of people stealing your ideas?

Do you talk about vitamins and orthomolecular healing? What about head injuries and how that impacts mental health?

Join us as Mark and Melissa address numerous questions on all things mental, emotional and relationship health. Our passion is to help believers experience healing and freedom by becoming rooted in the love of the Father and the grace of Jesus Christ and to experience the truth that sets us free!

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