🔴Sun Live: My Claustrophobic Panic Attack | Grandiosity | Writing | Body Shame

Join us as Mark and Melissa address numerous questions on all things mental, emotional and relationship health. Our passion is to help believers experience healing and freedom by becoming rooted in the love of the Father and the grace of Jesus Christ and to experience the truth that sets us free!

This is a jam-packed episode of topics I covered. I spent the first portion of this episode talking about an experience I had while on vacation, where I had a clostrophobic panic attack.

You will find out what happened and what I learned. I address a question over confusion about dying to self and denying yourself.

A pastor’s kid who is now a married man with children wrote to me, who is struggling with an ache that he needs to “change the world.” But has this been fed by an unhealthy grandiosity? He also wants to write novels and I talk about the trenches of book publishing.

A question was sent in about struggling with feeling disgusting about growing up as a woman and having a sense of disgust about her body.

What does it mean when Jesus says, “be perfect”? I also address live questions in the chat about marriage separation, finding a church and more.

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