A Key to Facing Fear and Overcoming It

As you desire to face fear and overcome it, God wants you to become intimately acquainted with who He is in the Godhead. The Godhead is one, but also plural. Within the Godhead are the Father, the Son, who is God the Word, and the Holy Spirit; they operate in perfect unity. We must draw near to who God is in His multifaceted nature to walk free of fear.

Paul, in his writings to Timothy, shared that God did not give him a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). If you carefully look at each of those words, you will see that they connect to a particular person of the Godhead.


Power operates from the work of the Holy Spirit. He is sent from the Father in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to give you the power to walk boldly in life. Notice, however, that when you are battling fear, power seems to be lost.

Sound Mind

A sound mind comes to us through a renewing, washing and regeneration of our mind by the Word of God. Jesus Christ is the Living Word, the Word who became flesh and dwelt among us. Getting to know Christ coincides with getting to know the Word, because that is who He is. When fear is at work, insanity is kicking in, seeking to separate you from a sound mind or any sanity whatsoever. Growing in the Word of God will help create a solid stance against what the enemy will bring your way. Ignorance or lack of knowledge, which prevents us from taking a solid stance on what God has said to us in His Word, can literally leave us feeling insane in fear’s torment.


The third “gift” Paul said comes from God is the aspect of love, which comes from the Father himself. Drawing near to the Father is so important, because it is His love that is going to cast out your fears! There is no love like a father’s love and God is the perfect Father with a perfecting love that will change your life forever. Anyone struggling with fear needs a revelation of the Father’s love to come and fill every void in their hearts. That kind of love truly evicts fear from your life.

Question: Which area of God’s nature is He showing you today?